Lazzo Secondment

Temporary partnerships,
lasting results.

At the heart of our operations is Secondment, supported by our dedication to delivering personalized, high-quality service to organizations that prioritize exceptional talent and flexibility.

About us

Lazzo Secondment’s history can be traced back to its founders, who have always been committed to understanding the complexities of their specialized markets and the unique needs of their clients.

Founded by the partners of VITTORE — one of the leading and most respected recruitment consultancies for In-House Counsels in Latin America — Lazzo Secondment is the culmination of years of experience, in-depth market knowledge, insights, and a responsive approach to client demands.

Our Differentials

Experience in Specialized Recruitment

Our partners have a solid background in recruiting professionals for Legal, Tax, Compliance, Data Protection & Privacy, and Legal Operations sectors. This expertise ensures precision and agility in hiring.

Background in Secondment

With over 15 years of experience in Secondment projects, we have assisted numerous companies and law firms with temporary hiring. This extensive track record allows us to offer proven quality services adapted to market needs.

Close Relationships

We establish close relationships with our clients, ensuring effective communication and a thorough understanding of their needs. This proximity enables us to provide services that align with the expectations and demands of each project.


Our commitment to flexibility allows us to adapt our services in a personalized manner, always striving to meet the specific needs of each project.

Ethics and Transparency

We uphold the highest standards of ethics and transparency in all aspects of our selection processes.

Long-lasting Relationships

We believe that lasting success is achieved through solid, long-term relationships with our clients and professionals. We prioritize building meaningful and collaborative partnerships that generate positive results over time.

Reliable References

We provide the contacts of professionals who can attest to our work, ensuring that our clients have access to reliable feedback and real testimonials about our quality and commitment.

Our partners have a solid background in recruiting professionals for Legal, Tax, Compliance, Data Protection & Privacy, and Legal Operations sectors. This expertise ensures precision and agility in hiring.

With over 15 years of experience in Secondment projects, we have assisted numerous companies and law firms with temporary hiring. This extensive track record allows us to offer proven quality services adapted to market needs.

We establish close relationships with our clients, ensuring effective communication and a thorough understanding of their needs. This proximity enables us to provide services that align with the expectations and demands of each project.

Our commitment to flexibility allows us to adapt our services in a personalized manner, always striving to meet the specific needs of each project.

We uphold the highest standards of ethics and transparency in all aspects of our selection processes.

We believe that lasting success is achieved through solid, long-term relationships with our clients and professionals. We prioritize building meaningful and collaborative partnerships that generate positive results over time.

We provide the contacts of professionals who can attest to our work, ensuring that our clients have access to reliable feedback and real testimonials about our quality and commitment.

Our Method

Precise Profile Definition

Leveraging our experience and expertise, we help clients define a clear and objective profile for the desired professional. This alignment is crucial for ensuring a targeted and effective hiring process that perfectly matches the company’s needs and the skills of the hired professional.

Search Process

We act as our clients’ eyes in the market, using the best search tools and our extensive network of contacts within our fields of specialization. This approach guarantees exclusive access to the most qualified and suitable talent for each project.


During interviews, we assess both technical knowledge and behavioral profiles, aiming to identify professionals who align with the company’s culture and the manager’s expectations.


We prioritize quality in our selection process, ensuring each recommended candidate has the potential to make a significant and long-term contribution to the organization. This approach guarantees our clients the most relevant and qualified professionals for each position.

Interview Coordination

We take responsibility for scheduling all interviews between clients and candidates, facilitating the process for both parties.

Continuous Feedback

We maintain an open channel of communication throughout the recruitment process, ensuring that both clients and candidates receive timely and constructive feedback.


We assist in the negotiation process between the company and the selected professional, ensuring that both parties have aligned expectations.


We assist our clients in integrating and adapting the professionals they hire into their companies. This includes guidance on company culture, routines, and corporate dynamics to ensure a successful transition.

After Care

Beyond providing support throughout the recruitment process, we are committed to offering ongoing follow-up after the professionals have been hired.

Our After Care program aims to ensure that both clients and hired professionals continue to receive the support they need for successful integration and ongoing professional development.

Secondee Career Advice

Our goal for contract professionals extends beyond providing short-term solutions. We aim to create meaningful opportunities for advancement and continued fulfillment in their careers, promoting lasting success in the corporate world.

As part of our commitment to professionalizing the temporary recruitment market, we strive to offer our clients excellent Secondment services while also fostering the career development of the professionals we place in corporate environments. To support this, Lazzo has established a support and career guidance project specifically for Secondees.


All CVs sent to the client adhere to the Lazzo Secondment standard and layout.

Short list

We provide a comparative spreadsheet of the finalist candidates, detailing the main aspects of each professional according to the requested profile, presented in Lazzo Secondment format.

References Report

For senior projects, we obtain references from the finalist candidates and present them to our clients in the Lazzo Secondment format when necessary.

Hire a Secondee

We offer an exceptional team of specialists across multiple legal fronts, each carefully selected to integrate perfectly with your strategy and organizational culture.

Secondment Benefits for Companies

Immediate Access to Specialized Talent

Companies can quickly benefit from the specific skills and knowledge brought by temporary professionals, bypassing the traditional recruitment and selection process.

Workforce Flexibility

Hiring temporary professionals through Secondment offers companies the flexibility to adjust their workforce according to project or business needs.

Cost Savings

Compared to hiring permanent employees, Secondment can be more cost-effective, as companies avoid costs associated with payroll, benefits, and taxes for full-time employees.

Agility and Responsiveness

Secondment allows companies to quickly respond to changes in market demands or project requirements, using immediately available talent.

Opportunity for Prior Assessment

Secondment provides companies the chance to evaluate the need for a new permanent position. This includes careful analysis of the temporary professional’s performance, ongoing demand for their skills, skills gaps in the team, workload, impact on productivity and efficiency, and return on investment.

Become a Secondee

Become Part of Our Talent Pool

As part of our talent pool, you will have the chance to work on exciting projects, apply your skills in diverse business contexts, and be part of innovative solutions.

Advantages of Being a Secondee

Skills Development

Secondment offers an opportunity for Secondees to develop new skills and competencies in a different environment. They can learn new processes, technologies, and working methodologies, thus expanding their skill set.

Diverse Experience

By working on temporary projects in different companies, Secondees gain a wide variety of professional experiences. This can enrich their CV and make them more attractive to future employers.

Networking and Relationship-Building

During Secondment, Secondees have the opportunity to work with a variety of clients in different sectors, providing excellent networking opportunities. This can open doors to future employment opportunities, professional collaborations, and the development of valuable relationships within the industry.

Broadened View of the Job Market

Working temporarily in different companies through Secondment offers Secondees a broader view of the job market, including different organizational cultures, industry sectors, and business practices.

Exposure to New Challenges

Secondees are often assigned to challenging and complex projects during Secondment. This provides an opportunity to demonstrate their skills, face new challenges, and overcome obstacles, contributing to personal and professional growth.

Potential for Permanent Employment

In some cases, Secondment can lead to permanent hiring opportunities at the contracting company. If the Secondee excels during their assignment and there is an ongoing need for their skills, the company may offer them a permanent contract.

This experience can open doors to full-time employment opportunities within the client company, where they may discover an affinity for the corporate culture or a specific area of the business they wish to explore further in their careers.

Professional and Personal Growth

By taking on new challenges, learning new skills, and building professional relationships, Secondees have the opportunity to grow and develop both professionally and personally during their Secondment.

Benefits of Being a Lazzo Secondee

1 After Care

At Lazzo, we treat all Secondees with the utmost care, exchanging feedback throughout their assignments to foster professional development.

With a system of constant feedback, Secondees can better understand their skills, areas for improvement, and their performance on temporary projects. This helps them grow and adapt more quickly to job demands.

2 Help with Onboarding

The integration process, or onboarding, can be challenging for temporary professionals, as they may not be familiar with the culture and processes of the company where they are assigned. Lazzo offers full support during the onboarding period to help Secondees integrate quickly, understand their responsibilities, and start contributing effectively from the start.

3 Variety of Clients and Sectors

Due to our partners’ recognition in the specialist recruitment market and our partnership with VITTORE, Lazzo offers Secondees contact with many leading companies across a variety of sectors.

This enriches their skill set and provides a broader understanding of how different industries operate, which is valuable for long-term career development.

4 Secondee Career Advice

Our goal for contract professionals extends beyond providing short-term solutions. We aim to create meaningful opportunities for advancement and continued fulfillment in their careers, promoting lasting success in the corporate world.

As part of our commitment to professionalizing the temporary recruitment market, we strive to offer our clients excellent Secondment services while also fostering the career development of the professionals we place in corporate environments.

To support this, Lazzo has established a support and career guidance project for our Secondees.

Advantages of Being a Secondee

Secondment offers an opportunity for Secondees to develop new skills and competencies in a different environment. They can learn new processes, technologies, and working methodologies, thus expanding their skill set.

By working on temporary projects in different companies, Secondees gain a wide variety of professional experiences. This can enrich their CV and make them more attractive to future employers.

During Secondment, Secondees have the opportunity to work with a variety of clients in different sectors, providing excellent networking opportunities. This can open doors to future employment opportunities, professional collaborations, and the development of valuable relationships within the industry.

Working temporarily in different companies through Secondment offers Secondees a broader view of the job market, including different organizational cultures, industry sectors, and business practices.

Secondees are often assigned to challenging and complex projects during Secondment. This provides an opportunity to demonstrate their skills, face new challenges, and overcome obstacles, contributing to personal and professional growth.

In some cases, Secondment can lead to permanent hiring opportunities at the contracting company. If the Secondee excels during their assignment and there is an ongoing need for their skills, the company may offer them a permanent contract.

This experience can open doors to full-time employment opportunities within the client company, where they may discover an affinity for the corporate culture or a specific area of the business they wish to explore further in their careers.

By taking on new challenges, learning new skills, and building professional relationships, Secondees have the opportunity to grow and develop both professionally and personally during their Secondment.

Benefits of Being a Lazzo Secondee

At Lazzo, we treat all Secondees with the utmost care, exchanging feedback throughout their assignments to foster professional development.

With a system of constant feedback, Secondees can better understand their skills, areas for improvement, and their performance on temporary projects. This helps them grow and adapt more quickly to job demands.

The integration process, or onboarding, can be challenging for temporary professionals, as they may not be familiar with the culture and processes of the company where they are assigned. Lazzo offers full support during the onboarding period to help Secondees integrate quickly, understand their responsibilities, and start contributing effectively from the start.

Due to our partners’ recognition in the specialist recruitment market and our partnership with VITTORE, Lazzo offers Secondees contact with many leading companies across a variety of sectors.

This enriches their skill set and provides a broader understanding of how different industries operate, which is valuable for long-term career development.

Our goal for contract professionals extends beyond providing short-term solutions. We aim to create meaningful opportunities for advancement and continued fulfillment in their careers, promoting lasting success in the corporate world.

As part of our commitment to professionalizing the temporary recruitment market, we strive to offer our clients excellent Secondment services while also fostering the career development of the professionals we place in corporate environments.

To support this, Lazzo has established a support and career guidance project for our Secondees.